Attempting to include ex-PM Draghi in the political debate (but he wants to stay out)


to Francesco Verderami

Discomfort in the face of those who try to exploit it. Those who had the opportunity to speak with the ex-governor claim that they are confident in the prime minister’s work

Everyone expects that Mario Draghi React and say something about it Pnrr node,
which the government risks getting involved in. It won’t work that way. The former prime minister does not intend to play the controversy game. And the people who lived with him the experience of the Council of Ministers with broad understandings describe him as disturbed by the attempt – the continuous – to exploit him, to drag him into the political struggle to use him as a club against the current executive authority. He refuted the thesis that there is rust out Georgia MeloniAnd He is said to have indulged in one of his proverbial jokes: but if against me there would not have been even damn memoriaewhich is typical of managers when they take over the management of a company….

Staying away from the differences between the parties does not mean That the former head of the European Central Bank has failed to follow the situation, and to understand how Palazzo Chigi will move to overcome the turn that appears before him in the plan. The delay in the roadmap has led government representatives to point fingers at Brussels, guilty in their eyes of having taken a different stance towards Rome than it had under Draghi. These are energies that should rather be focused on carrying out the steps associated with Pnrr. People who had the opportunity to speak with Draghi claim to be confident in the prime minister’s work.

Also because there is no conspiracy in Europe v. Italy: the relationship between Meloni and Ursula von der Leyen
Very good and one with the rest of the committee is very good. Also the result of the work carried out by the Prime Minister in recent months, who managed to dispel doubts and mistrust, in addition to following a path already traced. Since Draghi has first-hand sources, his interlocutors have no doubt that this is the case. Alternatively, it cannot be ruled out that in the federation’s bureaucratic structure – used to manage relations with Italy through the Democratic Party – some indecision lurks. But there are no signs of hostility towards Chigi Palace at the EU summit.

Then there is no need to dramatize. The problem is not the late month. After all, as the Commissioner for Economics said Paul GentiloniA similar decision was taken for other European countries. Therefore, according to the ruling conveyed by men close to the former governor, it is important that the program be implemented. Because the money guaranteed by the union is worth the wait. And if there is to change the plan – the reasons for it Giancarlo Giorgetti He had expected when he was still Draghi’s minister – the truth process would not find the former prime minister unprepared. How long was he remembering the context in which Pnrr var was: the deep revision of the text by Giuseppe Conte was taken to the extreme and taken into account the fact that in the majority there were also grillini …

With the advent of the Meloni government, governance was redesigned. And with the centralization of controls, responsibilities became centralized. Rafael Vito pointed out that the Prime Minister has delegated the arduous task. It is not known if Draghi knew the Minister for European Affairs, but it is certain that he knew his father, Salvatore, who was President of Puglia. Today’s change in governance requires a strong technical structure that knows how to interact with national and European institutions. recoverable status. If anything, the most difficult stage will come from June, when the commitments signed with Brussels will be added to the realization of the projects. That is, fixes. Those who are familiar with the former head of the European Central Bank explain: the prime minister has now gained experience. Now he has to hurry, knowing that he will have to manage the difficulties of his majority.

For the government and for the good of the country, what matters now is Shige Palace Calmly conduct mediation with Brussels, without looking for a scapegoat and offering reassurances to get such a number in return. But in Rome – and obviously – with two hundred billion at stake until 2026, the political confrontation is clearly going to intensify. But Draghi will not allow himself to be drawn into battle.

March 31, 2023 (changed on March 31, 2023 | 22:21)


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