Fiscal mandate, State Audit Bureau: There is a lack of funds to cover the proceedings


The Court of Accounts warns of covering the tax mandate. In the report he sent to the Senate, to update assessments after the changes made by the House, he repeatedly noted that many of the innovations made with adjustments to the fiscal mandate are currently immeasurable and would have to Finding the necessary coverage at the time of implementation, When defining details by delegated decrees. Among other things, under observation are the reduction of 13th-month payments for productivity and overtime, the abolition of small taxes, even monthly installments for advances for the self-employed. The criterion of consistency of revenue is often referred to in the last article, 20, of the tax authorization.

revenue loss

Among the innovations introduced, with respect to the personal income tax, is the overcoming of the increased flat tax in favor of a thirteenth salary reduction, to facilitate wages for both overtime and productivity bonuses. Judgments as formulated – explains the accounting department – are currently indefinite and therefore not measurable. However, it should be noted that because these are facilitative measures, they result in a loss of revenue that can only be assessed in general terms. While carrying out all the interventions foreseen in the proxy design. In terms of metrics that matter to the freelancing and business world, Accounting focuses on news related to The envisaged installment for Irpef advances and on the possible reduction of withholding tax. In the first case, as regards the installments, it may be noted that this provision will have effects only if the taxes to be paid monthly are paid in the same year, while the hypothesis now also provides for payment in the installments of the second advance, that is, the month of November. For a withholding tax, on the other hand, coverage is only necessary for the first year, given that the proceeds will then arrive the following year.

Situations in which receipts can increase

However, the accounting firm’s report also identifies instances in which collections could increase, with changes made. The case for providing a national minimum tax for multinational corporations – popularly defined It is applied on the basis of low taxes, despite being on the national territory. The virtuous financial effect is not excluded, even by rules which, in fact, place greater emphasis on illegal games and gambling addictions. But other problems may arise if present Expand new amnesties in the future that can cover all debts, including those not yet converted into volumes, as required by some amendment to the tax authorization given by the powers of the majority. To decide whether to enter or not In the tax reform bill will be the Senate Finance Committeethat voting on the amendments reached by both sides will begin this week: There are 482 amendment proposals on the table, ranging from a green registration tax for cars to a value-added tax cut on pet food.

New pardon

An indication of the desire to open up to potential amnesties more broadly than the current ones comes from three identical amendments made by FdI (first signed by Orsomarso), Fi (Lotito) and Lega (first signed by Garavaglia), which intervened in Article 16 of the mandate, adding a new point to the principles and criteria for revision of the collection system. Proposal to allow public access to Possible mechanisms for soft settlement of all debtstax and contribution and regardless of whether or not they are entrusted to the collection agents. easy last definition (quad scrap) The law introduced by the Budget Law of 2023, related to bill projects from January 1, 2000 to June 30, 2022, and provides for the payment of only amounts due as principal and amounts due as compensation for expenses, without interest, penalties and installments.


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