Parisi: Extreme events, carbon dioxide dependent. We need a real energy transition


to Alessandra Arashi

Physicist: There is a need for a global plan with India and China. In Italy we put double glazing in homes and solar panels on roofs

Does Giorgio Baresi, Nobel Laureate in Physics, help us understand? In Emilia-Romagna, we moved in less than two months from a drought emergency to a The tragedy of floods these days. what is going on?
These are extreme events that we have to get used to.

Why do you say we should get used to it?

These are events that depend on climate change, on warming. And we do little to fight these changes.

we are from?

global community. But we are also in Italy.

Are these climate changes surely dependent on human activity?

absolutely yes. due to carbon dioxide emissions2 (Carbon Dioxide, Mr. Dr).

Not all scholars say this.

Those who deny the link are less than 1 percent of the scientists in the field. But proven beyond a doubt. And that is why they gave the Nobel Prize to Manabe and Hasselmann, who won it with me.

How do you prove that the increase in temperature depends on carbon dioxide?2 Not from weather fluctuations?

Analyze Earth’s temperature history with remarkable accuracy. Earth’s average temperature year over year is known.

How do you determine average temperature?

From circles delineate tree trunks, from polar core parts. We have not seen such a rapid increase in temperature as in the past 40 years.

And how do you understand it really depends on the CO2?
There are very accurate models of the atmosphere that compare how little – maybe zero – increase in temperature without carbon dioxide2 And what we have with CO2.

Why does the increase lead to environmental disasters?
The temperature in the polar regions rose by 3 or 4 degrees because of the warm air coming from the equator. Cold air from the north goes to the equator. So it happens that more and more warm air goes to the north, and more and more cold air to the south. This rotation, which we are not used to, increases the energy accumulated in the atmosphere and which is vented in the extreme phenomena.

What should we do to avoid this?

Implement a global plan by concluding a special climate agreement with India and China, which together make up nearly half of humanity.

It is not easy to make agreements with India and China.

They are very hesitant countries. Then no agreement with China can succeed until war threatens.

And can we do something in Italy?

We must, not only for the sake of climate change but also for us, for the sake of our air quality.

But what exactly?

A true transmission of energy. Stop our addiction to gas and oil and switch to renewable energy. Enel is building a huge solar panel factory in Catania, which is not enough but something.

And in our homes?
Let’s start with something simple: put double glazing on all windows in Italy. And on all roofs there are solar energy systems. With this amount of work, there will also be a lot of job opportunities.

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May 19, 2023 (changed on May 19, 2023 | 07:08)


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