Fontana paused for last minute edits. The government reduces the use of ordinance laws


“What is over the laws of decrees is a battle that we are trying to wage. We understand the government’s needs, but we must try to protect the powers of parliamentarians. We often ask the government Reduce regulations To make them come back is an important and urgent tool to leave more room for bills or parliamentary initiatives “. This was stated by the President of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana at the Ventaglio ceremony, the traditional appointment with the parliamentary press that took place in the Sala del Mappamondo in Montecitorio. The first fan party of the legislature, the first after the reduction of the number of deputies from 630 to 400.

Last minute stops and overall adjustments

“Until the Amendments to decrees They often arrive at the last minute and create difficulties with missions. We understand the difficulties faced by the government, but we also request that amendments to decrees by laws comply with the text. We will be more stringent in the new regulations on amendments, Fontana said, and the reform will also relate to aspects of accepting amendments.

Justice There is no clash between politics and the judiciary

Speaking of justice, Fontana expressed his hope that “there should be no clash between politics and the judiciary, there should be a balance of forces, not a clash of forces. Also because if there is a power struggle, unfortunately, more often than not, I get in the way with the vice presidents because this tension is created in the room and it is not conducive to the work. I hope that the government can make reforms but that they are shared as much as possible and that there are no clashes between the authorities.”

In September we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Constitution

“We will organize important events on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the constitution. On September 19 in the presence of the Head of State, there will be a moment with Andrea Bocelli and Baby Vue: it will be an attempt to make a universal commemoration “, said the President of the Chamber, speaking to the parliamentary press at the fan party. “We will also do many things with the Italian Federation of the Blind, so that it is truly a celebration for all Italians, even for those with special needs”.

Italy is a more stable country, but the future is never certain

«Compared to what history was like for a certain period – emphasized Fontana – at the moment, Italy is the most stable country, compared to many years of instability, at the European level. Also considering what happened in Spain, Italy currently has a more stable government and parliamentary majority than many other European countries, especially in Parliament. France has difficulties, we have seen Spain, and it seems to me that Germany is not doing very well, so we have gone from being the most troubled to one of the most stable countries in Europe. But after that the future is never certain, so it is best not to talk about it too much.”


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